MySQLi Log Out User

Log Out User will clear the session variables associated with a successful login attempt. Ultimately logging out your user and any restricted pages will no longer be accessible. The Log In Name value used in the Log In User Server Behavior will be specified in the Authentication field.

Log Out User

  1. Use the Trigger select list and associated Trigger Dynamic Data button to select the event in which your record will be updated.
    • Any Form Post: Any form posted to the current page that the server behavior is applied to triggers the data insert
    • Before Page Load: The data insert is triggered when the current page that the server behavior is applied to is loaded.
    • On Form Submit: Any form submitted on the same page that the server behavior is applied to trigger the data insert.
    • Button [button name] pressed: The server behavior is triggered if the specified button on the page is clicked.
    • Dynamic Data: Server-side code can be specified in the dynamic data interface (accessed through the lightning bolt) to create a trigger specific to your needs if one in the list does not meet your requirements
  2. Use the Authentication field to select the unique login identifier, or "Log In Name" - used in the Log In User interface.

After clicking OK, the Log Out User User Server Behavior will be applied to the current page. Changes can be made by editing the MySQLi Log Out User Server Behavior from the Server Behaviors panel.