MySQLi Dynamic List/Menu

A dynamic form object is a form object whose initial state is determined by the server when the page is requested from the server, not by the form designer at design time. For example, when a user requests a PHP page that contains a form with a menu, a PHP script in the page automatically populates the menu with values stored in a database. The server then sends the completed page to the user’s browser.

In order to make a select list/menu dynamic, you will first need a recordset containing your desired list/menu's contents. WIth your list/menu and recordset on your page, select the list/menu and click the Dynamic button from within the Property Inspector.

MySQLi Server Behaviors Dynamic List/Menu

  1. Use the Menu select list to select the list or menu you wish to make dynamic.
  2. Use the Static options Add, Delete, and Ordering buttons to add any options that won't be supplied by your recordset.
  3. Use the Options from recordset select list to select the Recordset that will be supplying your list/menu contents.
  4. Use the Values select list to choose the table column that will be supplying your list entries values.
  5. Use the Labels select list to choose the table column that will be supplying your list entries labels.
  6. Use the Select value equal to field and associated dynamic data button to set the value your list/menu will be by default when the page loads.