Required / Not Blank / Selection Made

The Required validation checks the contents of a specified server variable to determine if a value exists. In addition, it can be configured to accept values that contain only spaces.

Note: For the validation to work correctly when checking a select list server variable, all entries in the list must have a value associated to the entry. By default, Dreamweaver does not add value="" to the html for a select list option if no value is specified. It is necessary for you to manually add value="" to the html in code view. Though there is no actual value specified in the code, the value="" tag is necessary in order for the code to run appropriately, even if nothing exists within the quotation marks.

e.g. an option with no value specified such as:

<option>select from list</option>

must be changed to reflect:

<option value="">select from list</option>

Set the configuration options and click OK to complete configuration of the validation within the Server Validation dialog.

The following options are available for configuration of the Required / Not Blank / Selection Made validation:
  • Allow spaces without characters: Select whether or not spaces entered are allowed if they are the only thing present in the value.