Upload Wizard: Specify file output options

Step 2 of the Upload Wizard interface allows you to specify the output options of your upload functionality.

File settings

In Digital File Pro, you can have multiple files outputted from one single upload.

Using the Add (+) or Remove (-) icons, you can add multiple output options.

*Select the output entry from the list to specify the various settings for that option. Repeat the process by selecting the next entry in the list, to apply output settings for each.

Upload folder: select a destination folder for the file selected. This location may be specified directly using the browse function.

File name: determines the name the uploaded file is given for the selected output file. By default, the original file name [FileName] is used.

Note: You may want to rename the file using a different naming convention by either: specifying a name directly, using the browse function, retrieving a name using available data bindings, or specifying server-side code to develop a dynamic naming convention.

The lightning bolt icon allows you to specify a dynamic data binding to each of the available options.

Image options

The image options section is only available if 'Web images only' has been selected in Step 1 of the Upload file wizard.

Resize: will resize the image on upload based on the following options:

  • Fit to box - will resize the image to fit within a specified height and width.
  • Fit width - will resize the image to fit within a specified width.
  • Fit height - will resize the image to fit within a specified height.
  • Fixed width and height - will resize all images to a specified width and height while maintaining the width-to-height ratio. If the resized image does not completely match the specified width and height, a fill color is applied.

Width: specify the width for the image to be resized to.

Height: specify the height for the image to be resized to.

Fill color: (Only available when using Fixed width and height) specify a background color to fill any empty area within the dimensions of the resized image.

Upload Wizard - Step 2
Note for PHP users: PHP by default has limitations on the size of individual files uploaded as well as the sum file size of all files included in a single upload post. These settings are controlled directly through the php.ini file on your web server. If you do not have access to this file directly because of limitations in hosting access, you can get around this issue by including an .htaccess file to set configure these options specific to your site. More information on .htaccess and php.ini files can be found by clicking here.